Health & Safety Consent
In the event of an emergency, we will attempt to contact individuals listed here as emergency contacts for the child. If the first emergency contact cannot be reached, we will leave a message and proceed to contact other authorized persons in the order you establish. Emergency contacts need to have agreed to pick up the child when called and must speak enough English to respond to any situation. We will always contact emergency medical personnel first if the nature of the emergency warrants immediate medical care. Parents authorize New Horizons School to obtain emergency medical treatment, dental care, and transport for their child at the parent’s expense. New Horizons School does not have health care professionals on staff. School staff will not administer prescribed medication to students without written authorization from a parent and prescription note from the doctor. A “Medication Administration and Instruction” form (can be obtained from office if needed) must be completed in its entirety. Prescription medication must be given to New Horizons School office by the parent/guardian only in its original packaging with the prescription label including dosing instructions attached. Do not send medication in your child’s backpack. It is the parent’s responsibility to replace expired prescription medication. No over-the-counter medication (Tylenol, allergy eye drops, anti-acids, and Benadryl, etc.) may be administered without parental permission. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide adequate health and accident insurance coverage for their children. Parents agree to hold harmless New Horizons School Inc. and its employees for injuries and illnesses that may occur at school or on school-sponsored activities. Parents and guardians may not drive other students on field trips or activities without proof of automobile and liability insurance. Students are responsible for reporting injuries to the main office or to any New Horizons School staff member.
As a general rule, child exhibiting any of these symptoms should be kept home:
fever of 99.6 degrees or higher
vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain
a cold, a sore throat, or a persistent cough
nasal congestion or runny nose not associated with allergies
Ear infection
any undiagnosed rash
red or swollen eyes (i.e. pink eye, conjunctivitis)
students found with live lice will be sent home and may return to school upon satisfactory treatment
If New Horizons School observes signs of illness or infection at school, the child will be taken to the office, and the parent or another authorized party will be asked to pick up the child within one hour. A child may return to the camp with a doctor’s note verifying that it is safe to return or after being free of symptoms for 24 hours without aid of medication.